
Here are some important dates for the month of January.  Be on the lookout for more details as they become available!

*Celebrate Literacy Week is from January 22nd through the 26th. Activities will take place during 5th period. 

*8th-grade students will be taking a trip to the high school on January 24th. When we have arrival and departure times, we’ll send out permission slips with students by January 18th and they are due back to their English teacher by January 22nd. We are excited for our 8th graders and this next step in their educational journey.

*FHS registration night will be on January 30th at FHS from 3:30 to 7:30. Please help spread the word to students. As soon as we have more information, we will send it home with our 8th graders. 

*7th-grade students will be taking their trip to the EO Wilson Biophilia Center on January 29th through February 1st. Mr. Reynolds is organizing this trip.